Monday 11/29/21


Back Squat:
2 x @80%
2 x @85%
2 x @90%

1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk x 2 sets

* Work up to 85-90% and hit for 2 singles.


Rocky IV

AMRAP 2 Minutes
10 Ring Muscle Ups
Max Double Unders
-Rest 2 Minutes-
AMRAP 2 Minutes
15 Power Snatches (115/80)
Max Burpee Over Bar
-Rest 2 Minutes-
AMRAP 2 Minutes
10 Bar Muscle Ups
Max Double Unders
-Rest 2 Minutes-
AMRAP 2 Minutes
15 Power Clean and Jerks (115/80)
Max Burpee Over Bar

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