
Race to 500 Reps – 3:00 to complete each (1:00 REST b/t) 100 Push-Ups 100 Double Unders 100 Pull-Ups 100 Slam Balls 100 Abmat Sit-ups
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A. Technique session: Squat Clean (find WOD Weight) B. For Time: 10 Squat Clean (155/105) 100 Double Unders 8 Rounds: 8 Pull Up + 12 WallBalls (20/14) 100 Double Unders 10 Squat Cleans
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A. Deadlift: 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 -2 B. 15:00 AMRAP 80 DB Snatch (50/35, alt) 60 HSPU (90 push ups) 40 T2B *max reps DeadLift (275/180) in time remaining C. Cool down
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A. Work up to Heavy Bench Press/WOD weight B. 10-1 Bench Press (with partner, +/- 185/125) *immediately after set: SPRINT 10 KB Swings (24/16) & 10 Burpees **each does 10-1, one works / one rests (spots) C. 4 Rounds NFT: 20 Face Pulls & 20 Banded Tricep Ext Or Endurance option for all classes
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A. DB OHS 5-4-3-2-1 (each side) B. 5 Rounds for Time: 16 DB OHS (8/8, 50/35) 10 Ring Dip 2 Rope Climb C. NFT: 3 Rounds of 15 Hip Ext (or superman) & 1:00 Plank
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