BOX CLOSES AT 1:00 Tabata (:20 work/:10 rest, 8 rotations at each move) WallBall (20/14) Box Jump (24/20) SlamBall (30/20) Shuttle Run (10 M out & back then 20 M out & back)Read more
A. Work up to heavy HPC B. 4 Rounds for time: 500 Meter Row 20 Burpees (6″ above reach) 10 Hang Power Clean (M-155/135/115/95, W-105/95/75/65) 2:00 RESTRead more
25:00 Crossfit Baseball – teams of 2 Hit: 25 meter sled push 1st: 10 K2E on gound 2nd: 20 Killer Rope Jumps 3rd: 6 DB Snatch (3/3-70/50#) Home: 5 Burpees *BENCH: either hold plank, bottom of squat or jumping jackRead more
A. 6:00 EMOM – 1 Deadlift, :10 to extention (70% 1RM +/-) B. 15:00 Cap *WOD starts with a 1000 Meter Row, in time remaining: AMRAP of 5 Deadlift (Athlete Choice) & 15 WB (20/14) *score weights and roundsRead more