Thursday, Feb 17, 2022


You’re Still The One
Partner Workout
2 Rounds through the following:
AMRAP 3 Minutes
500/400m Row (OR 400m Run)
Max Synchro Toes to Bar
-rest 1 Minute-

AMRAP 3 Minutes
28/22 Cal Bike (OR 400m Run)
Max Synchro Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)
-rest 1 Minute-

AMRAP 3 Minutes
500/400m Row (OR 400m Run)
Max Synchro Pistols (only synchro at the top)
-rest 1 Minute-

AMRAP 3 Minutes
1000/800m Bike (OR 500/400m Row OR 400m Run)
Max Synchro Burpee Pull Up
-rest 1 Minute-
-no additional rest b/t rounds-