Wed, May 24 2017

A.  Rope Climb Skills/Technique
B.  Individual Regional Event #3 – 18:00 CAP
100′ OH 1-arm Lunge (80/55 DB, MOD: HAP DB or KB)
100 DU (3:1 Singles)
50 WB (30/20 or HAP) **Yes, we did just do these Monday!**
10 Rope Climb
50 WB (30/20 or HAP)
100 DU (3:1 Singles)
100′ OH 1-arm Lunge (80/55 DB, MOD: HAP DB or KB)
*people can do 75/55 Thrusters in place of WB if they wish
C.  NFT:  3 rounds of 15 Hollow Rock + 15 Rev Hyper (GHD)