Wednesday 12/15/21


1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean x 2 sets @ 70% of 1RM Clean
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean x 3 sets @ 75% of 1RM Clean



For time:
50 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
100 Double Unders
100’ Handstand Walk
100 Double Unders
10 Rope Climbs
100 Double Unders
100’ Handstand Walk
100 Double Unders
50 Dumbbell Overhead Squats (50/35)

Wellness Wednesday

Do you struggle to stay on track with healthy food choices during the holidays? Click below for helpful tips!

5 Ways to Be Intentional With Your Food Choices During the Holidays

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