
September 2, 2014
A. Weighted Push-Ups 10-10-10 B. “Helen” 3 Rounds for Time 400M Run 21 KB Swings (24/16kg) 12 Pull-ups C. NFT- 100 Crunches   ENDURANCE A. 6 Rounds 200M Row Sprint, 0:10 rest, then 100M Row slow B. 6 Rounds 200M Sprint +200M Jog 0:30 between rounds C. 100 Crunches- NFT
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A. Strict Press-Snatch Grip ( behind the neck) 10-10-10 B. 4:00 AMRAP 5 Hang Power Clean and Jerk (mid thigh) (95/65) 10 Air Squats 2:00 Rest C. 4:00 AMRAP 5 Hang Power Clean and Jerk (above knee) (95/65) 10 Back Squats 2:00 Rest D. 4:00 AMRAP 5  Power Clean and Jerk  (95/65) 10 Front Squats...
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work in pairs ( one works/one rests) 6 Total Rounds for each person- 2:00 work/2:00 rest 200M Run (250M row alternating every round) max burpee Box Jumps in time remaining * score is total BBJ across all 6 rounds
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