Partner WOD – 18:00 * One partner runs 2 laps of box with Sand Bag (or slam ball) * one partners completes following AMRAP: 10 KB Swings 10 Push-ups 10 Lunge Steps (r+L=1) 1:00 REST at the 6:00 & 12:00 *when switch takes place, keep AMRAP going, score totalRead More
A. Bear Complex: 1×7 rep, 1×5 rep, 1×3 rep (no drop) B. 13:00 AMRAP 5 HPC (M-135/115/95,W-95/75/65) 5 Front Squats 5 S.T.O.H 3 Burpee MU (A. BMU / B. GI Jane/C. Burpee-T2B) *score rounds, weight C. 30 Wipers (R+L=1)Read More
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