
A.  Work up to Heavy Clean & Jerk B.  10:00 – Max Clean & Jerk (185/125, heavy) *shoot for 30+ reps (heavy grace) 5:00 REST C.  6:00 Max BFBurpee (starts at 15:00) 4:00 REST D.  4:00 Max T2B (starts at 25:00)
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A.  Back Squat:  5 – 5 – 3 – 3 – 1 B.  For time (25:00 CAP) 20 Back Squat (155/105) 4 Rounds:  5 SHSPU + 5 Strict Pull-ups (scale: kip) 20 Back Squat (155/105) 4 Rounds:  5 SHSPU + 5 Strict Pull-ups (scale: kip) 20 Back Squat (155/105) 4 Rounds:  5 SHSPU + 5...
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Happy 4th of July….Box is closed today!
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Hero WOD:  “RJ” 5 Rounds for time (40:00 CAP)(can scale 5/4/3 rds) 800 Meter Run (1000 Meter Row) 5 Rope Climb (scale as needed) 50 Push-ups
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Fight Gone Worse – for max Reps 1:00 Front Squat (75/55) 1:00 Box Jump (20″) 1:00 Push Press (75/55) 1:00 Row for Calories 1:00 Thruster (75/55) 1:00 Assult Bike Calories 2:00 REST
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A.  Gymnastics Conditioning (11:00 total) 2:00 Max Strict HSPU (mod with HS Hold) 1:00 REST 2:00 Max Strict Pull-Ups 1:00 REST 2:00 Max Kipping HSPU 1:00 REST 2:00 Max Kipping Pull-ups B.  For time:  “Annie” (10:00 CAP) 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders & Ab Mat Sit-ups *after Annie, immediately run 800 Meters
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A.  OHS  10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 B.  4 Rounds for time: 400 Meter Run 12 OHS (95/65) 6 Strict T2B C.  Cooldown:  5:00 row or bike, easy pace
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A.  Power Clean 7 sets:  Clean Pull+HPC+PC *Increase and work up to heavy set B.  5 Rounds:  3:00 Work/2:00 REST 15 Bar Facing Burpees *Max Power Cleans Men:  95/115/135/155/185 Women:  65/75/95/105/125 **athletes can choose to increase or pick one weight across C.  NFT:  5 Rounds of 10 Pikes on Ski Erg
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A.  Groups of 3 – 30:00 200 Meter Sandbag Run Farmer Carry around Box *max Wallball (30/20) **rotate after each run, score max WB ***After every 3 rounds, all three will run a 400 together B.  NFT – 3 x 15 Reverse Hamstring Curl/Glute Bridge (control) *2 plates, feet on turf, curl heals into glute...
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A.  For Time: 50 Cal Row + 50 Burpees +  50 AB Mat Sit-up 40 Cal Row + 40 Burpees +  40 AB Mat Sit-up 30 Cal Row + 30 Burpees +  30 AB Mat Sit-up B.  Post WOD, take 5:00 to practice Double Unders
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