
25:00 Crossfit Baseball – teams of 2 Hit: 25 meter sled push 1st: 10 K2E on gound 2nd: 20 Killer Rope Jumps 3rd: 6 DB Snatch (3/3-70/50#) Home: 5 Burpees *BENCH: either hold plank, bottom of squat or jumping jack
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A. 6:00 EMOM – 1 Deadlift, :10 to extention (70% 1RM +/-) B. 15:00 Cap *WOD starts with a 1000 Meter Row, in time remaining: AMRAP of 5 Deadlift (Athlete Choice) & 15 WB (20/14) *score weights and rounds
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A. Work up to heavy Jerk Weight for day B. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Push Jerk (M-155/135/115/95,W-105/95/75/65) *in between each round: 5 T2B and 10 Bar Jumps (r+l=1) C. 500 Meter Row Cool down
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A. Strength: 5 Sets of Back Squat :05 down/:05 up + 2 Regular B. For Time: 150 KB Swings (24/16 kg) *Starting with and EMOM – 10 Goblet Squats REST as needed, then: C. 5:00 TGU – as many reps as possible
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A. 3 – 3 – 3 Weighted Pull-up 5 – 5 – 5 Weighted Push-Up B. For max Reps, score each AMRAP 6:00 AMRAP 40 Push-ups 30 Pull-ups (A. C2b/B. Chin over/C. Band-strict) 20 Power Clean (M-135/115/95-W-95/75/65) 3:00 REST 6:00 AMRAP Reverse Order above
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4 Rounds For Max Reps 1:00 Max Row for Calories 1:00 Max Ring Dips 1:00 Max Ab Mat Situps 1:00 WB Squat Jumps (20/14-hold tight to chest for squat/jump) 1:00 REST
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A. *Complete 2 Rounds in each, rest in time remaining Dumbbell Snatch (HAP) & Hand Release Push-up 00:00-03:00: 8 DB Snatch (4/4 alt arms) + 8 HR Push-ups 03:00-06:00: 10 DB Snatch (5/5) + 10 HRPU 06:00-09:00: 12 DB Snatch (6/6) + 12 HRPU 09:00-12:00: 14 DBS + 14 HRPU 12:00-15:00: 16 DBS + 16...
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A. Strength: Work up to heavy 3 Rep Back Squat B. 4 Rounds for time: 10 Slam Balls (30/20) 10 Back Squats (M:185/155/135/115-W:115/105/95/75) 20 Box Jumps (24/20″) C. NFT – 50 Knee-ups on turf
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4 Rounds: 2:00 of work/1:00 Rest #1- 2:00 AMRAP: 5 Strict Pull-ups + 5 Burpees (jump 6″) 1:00 REST #2- 2:00 AMRAP: 5 Bench Press (155/105) + 1 Wall Walk 1:00 REST
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A. 00:00-10:00 to complete: (rest in time remaining) 50 Double Unders (3:1) 21 Deadlift (225/155) 50 Double Unders (3:1) 15 Deadlift 50 Double Unders (3:1) 9 Deadlift 50 Double Unders (3:1) B. 10:00 – 20:00 10:00 AMRAP: 20 WallBall (20/14) & 300 Meter Row C. 20:00 – 30:00 3 Rounds: 30 Lunge Steps (ea=1) &...
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