
A. Bent Over Row 6 – 6 – 6 – 6 – 6 B. Paleo Benchmark #3 – 11:00 Increasing Ladder 3 WallBalls (20 – 10′, 14 – 9′) 3 Box Jumps (24/20) 3 Deadlift (115/75) 6 WB 6 BJ 6 DL 9……..etc C. 500 row cool down
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A. For Time: Starting on 0:00 and OT 4:00 for 24:00 200 Meter Sprint 20 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 – American) 20 Burpees B. 20 Turkish Get-ups (moderate to heavy) – NFT
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A. Back Squat 6 – 6 – 6 B. Paleo Benchmark #1 – for max reps 4:00 Row for Calories 1:00 REST 3:00 C2B Pullups (C2B/chin-over/jumping) 1:00 REST 2:00 Max Back Squat (M-165/115/air, W-115/80/air) 1:00 REST 1:00 STOH (M-135/95/65, W-95/65/45) C. OLY Wall squats/splits
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A. Work up to WOD Snatch or C&J B. WOD – last completed 5/8/14 ” Isabel” 30 Snatch for time (135/95) or “Grace” 30 Clean & Jerk for time (135/95) REST AS NEEDED, THEN: C. “Annie” 50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10 Double Under AB Mat Sit-up
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A. Weighted Pull-ups 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 B. 12:00 EMOM 6 C2B Pull-ups + 6 Thrusters (95/65) + 6 Bar Jump (O&B=1) *delete one rep for each if you can’t complete OTM C. Team WOD – TBD
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22:00 Partner AMRAP – one work/one rest 8 Hang Power Clean (M-115/95/75, W-75/65/55) 8 Push Ups 8 Box Jumps *rotate after a completed round
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A. Tempo F Squat (:08 down, :08 hold) 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 (70-80% 1RM) B. 0:00 – 10:00 Complete: 21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 Back Squat (M-115/95/75, W-75/65/55) *one rope climb in between rounds REST in any time remaining C. 10:00 –...
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A. Work up to heavy 1 Rep Deadlift B. 5 Rounds – For time: 5 Deadlift (Heavy) 1 – 20 Meter Shuttle Run (5/10/15/20) 10 Ring Dip 1 – 20 Meter Shuttle Run (5/10/15/20) C. Jog 800 Meters after WOD
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A. Snatch Grip Press  5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 B. For Time – 15:00 CAP 60 Cal Row 50 Burpee (jump to 6″ above reach) 40 T2B 30 Push Press
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A. For Max Reps 0-3:00 400 M Run (A-w/sandbag, B-run), rest in time remaining 3-6:00 40 Ab Mat Sit-up, Max DB Snatch (alt-H.A.P.) 6-9:00 40 Ab Mat Sit-up, Max WallBall (20/14) 9-12:00 40 Ab Mat Sit-up, Max DB Snatch (alt-H.A.P.) 12-15:00 40 Ab Mat Sit-up, Max WallBall (20/14) 15-18:00 400 M Run (A-SB, B-Run) B....
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