
A.  Thruster:  5 – 5 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 1 B.  For time (15:00 CAP) 50 Double Unders 20 Thruster (115/75) & 10 C2B Pull-ups 50 Double Unders 15 Thruster & 15 C2B Pull-ups 50 Double Unders 10 Thruster & 20 C2B Pull-ups 50 Double Unders C.  Core – Coaches Choice
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A.  Work up to a heavy Deadlift Single B.  3 Rounds for time: 600 Meter Run 6 Deadlift (H.A.P. – all singles) 60 Ab Mat Sit-ups *score time and DL weight C.  3 Rounds NFT: 10 Single leg Glute Bridge (ea) 20 side leg raise (each) 20 Superman (:01 pause at top)
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All classes choose b/t class and endurance A.  Work up to Heavy single Bench Press B.  “Lynne” – 5 Rounds NFT Max Reps BW Bench Press Max Reps Pull-up Rest as needed between Rounds, no rest between BP&PU C.  5:00 Row Cool Down or 100 Meter Run 200 Meter Run 400 Meter Run 600 Meter...
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A.  Back Squat  3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 (5 fast BJ after each set) B.  For time: 20 – 16 – 12 – 8 – 4   Box Jump 10  –  8 –  6 –  4 – 2  Back Squat (M: 225/185/155,W: 145/125/105) 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1  ...
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A.  25:00 AMRAP 10 Cal Row 20 Meter Lunge Step (weight optional) 10 KB Swings (HAP) 20 Meter Bear Crawl 100 Meter Sprint 1:00 REST b/t rounds B.  Core – coaches choice
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A.  OT2:00 x 4:  SnPull + Psnatch+ HSqSnatch + OHS (increasing) B.  For time – 16:00 CAP 800 Meter Run 20 Power Snatch(135/95) 400 Meter Run 20 OHS (135/95) 800 Run B. NFT  – 3 Rounds (rest as needed b/t rounds) 20 GHD Sit-ups (30 Ab Mat) 15 Hollow Rock :30 Arch Hold
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All classes choose b/t class and endurance A.  Push Jerk:  3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 (+/-70% of 1RM then increase) B.  3 Round Superset: 1-Arm DB Strict Press x 5 per arm, into 10 DB BOR each arm Rest b/t rounds C.  For time:  30 – 20 – 10 Push-Up (quality...
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A.  14:00 Partner WOD (outside) 200 Meter Run 15 KB Swings (24/16 – American) 10 KB 1-arm press (5/5, same weight as swing) B.  5:00 Plank (hold as long as possible throughout 5:00) C.  800 Meter Jog
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A.  Work up to Max Thruster (From Rack) B.  5 Rounds for time: 10 Thruster (115/75) 2 Rope Climb (sub 10 Ring Row) 250 Meter Row
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A.  7:00 OTM – HHPC + HPC + P.CLEAN (increasing weight) B.  Death By:  Power Clean (135/95) & Burpee over Bar *15:00 CAP – Split reps in 1/2 after complete C.  HS Walk/Wheel Barrel Relay
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