We are celebrating St. Patty’s day a little early, wear your GREEN tomorrow! Mark your calendars!! Next Friday we are hosting our final FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS! 3/22, from 5:30 – 7:30 we will have a food truck, beer, and wine! Conditioning 19.4Read more
Strength Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes3 Touch and Go Power Snatches Conditioning AMRAP 6 Minutes30 Snatches 75/55lbs 90 Air Squats, Straight into: AMRAP Lateral burpees over the barRead more
BCCF WILL CLOSE AT 1PM TODAY. We apologize for any inconvenience however the safety of our Members and Staff is our priority. Please be safe and stay warm! Conditioning AMRAP 20 Minutes 12 Thrusters 105/70lbs, Rest :3012 Toes to Bar, Rest :3012 Front Rack Lunge Steps 105/70lbs, Rest :30Read more