Monday, March 6 2017

***Open WOD 17.2***
POST WOD:  2000 Meter Row (20 S/M, 25 S/m, 30 S/M..switch every 250)
OR  All Others not in Open
A.  12:00 AMRAP
10 GTOH (45/25)
10 Stationary OH Lunge (or wt box step up if they have done 17.2)
10 Burpee to plate
10 Stationary OH Lunge
10 GTOH (45/25)
B.  2000 Meter Row (20 S/M, 25 S/M, 30 S/M, switch at 250)
*Back to 20 S/M, 25 S/M, 30 S/M…continue until complete)