A. Back Squat 5 – 5 – 5 (work up to 80-85%) B. 1:00 max WB (est WOD #, 2-3:00 Rest after test) C. 4 rounds OT3:00 200 meter sprint + UB WB (80% of B) D. 3:00 of Bar Hang (sub time off bar)Read More
A. DB Snatch Ladder (must hit each arm to move on) :20 rotation B. 6:00 AMRAP 8 DB snatch (alternating, 2 – 3 weights below max ladder wt) 10 Push Up C. 6:00 Sled Relay (25M OT1:00) D. 6:00 – 3 Rounds 1:00 Hollow Rock 1:00 SupermanRead More