
Teams of 3 (or 4) Relay Style 4 Rounds 250 m. Row 20 Wallball (20,14) 12/15 Cal AB 20 Push Press (45,35)
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Work up to a heavy 3 rep Power Clean AMRAP12 9 Deadlifts (135,95) 6 Burpees 3 Power Cleans (135,95)
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A. Tempo Front Squat 5 sets of 3 (3311, :03 down & :03 at bottom, increasing) B. Work up to Deadlift WOD weight C. 15:00 AMRAP 30 air squars 20 HSPU or push ups 10 Deadlift (225/155) D. Cool down/stretch – coaches choice
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A. 5 Sets: Power Clean + Jerk + PC&J (increasing) B. 3 Rounds (30:00 cap): 800 Meter Run 2:00 Work (rd1- Max PC, Rd2- Max Jerk, Rd3- Max C&J, 135/95) 2:00 REST B/T Rounds C. CoolDown : 5:00 Row/Run/bike
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A. Snatch 7 sets: 1 full Snatch + 1 OHS B. 5 Rounds for Time: 5 Snatch (135/95, Squat, power modification) 2 Rope Climbs 250/200 Row C. Core: coaches choice
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5 Rounds – :30 work/:30 REST 1- Russian KB Swings 2- Mountain Climbers 3- Reverse Lunge Step (weighted) 4- Burpees 5- AAB *intensity is the theme of this WOD
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A. Thruster: work up to heavy triple *after each set 20 DU + 5-7 Beat Swings B. GG qualifier Wod #5 – 18:00 50-60-70-80-90-100 Double Unders (2:1 singles) 30-25-20-15-10-05 Thrusters (increasing or across option) 05/07/10/12/15/17 Muscle Up *thrusters: M95/115/135/155/175/185-W65/80/95/105/115/125, **max DU in time remaining
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35:00 Cap – Partner WOD – complete in any order A.  800 Meter Partner Run (hold Killer Rope) 1:00 REST B.  60 Calorie Row (partner hold DL 225/155, alt as needed) 1:00 REST C.  80/60 Calorie Assult (partner hold plank 45/25#, alt as needed) 1:00 REST D.  80 KB Swings (partner hold handstand, alt as...
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A.  Front Squat  5-5-5 (increasing) B.  4:00 Amrap 10 Front Squat (+/-95/55) 10 Burpees 2:00 REST 4:00 AMRAP 10 Burpees 10 DB Snatch (70/50+/1) ***50 burpee penalty for dropping DB after wod*** 2:00 REST 4:00 AMRAP 10 DB Snatch 10 Front Squats C.  50 Wipers (r+l=1) NFT
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A. DB Bench Press  10 – 10 – 10 (increasing) *after each set = 10 DB BOR (ea arm) B.  6 Rounds for Time 200 Meter Run 10 Box Jumps (24/20) 10 T2B
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