A. Weighted Good Mornings 5 -5 -5 B. For time: 30 – 20 – 10 DB Snatch (H.A.P.- alternating) Pull-up 3:00 REST, then: C. 5:00 AMRAP 5 Burpee (sprint) :10 RESTRead more
A. Strength: OHS 3 – 3 -3 (:02 pause at bottom) B. “Nancy” 5 Rounds for time (A-5/B-4/C-3): 400 Meter Run 15 OHS (95/65) C. Core: 100 CrunchesRead more
A. In groups of 3, 15:00 for max KB swings: One runs Sandbag 200 Meters, rotate on completion of run One accumulates max KB Swings (24/16-american) One holds Handstand B. Rope Climb Relays – 5:00 for max C. CORERead more