Stamina Squats EMOM 10Odds- 4 F SquatsEvens- 8 B Squats***All reps performed at 57% of F Squat 1RM Conditioning “No Air” for Time42 Pull-Ups21 Power Snatch30 C2B Pull-Ups15 OHS18 Bar MU9 Squat Snatch***Barbell 115/85Read more
Conditioning “Wise Men” with a running clock On the 0:00AMRAP 33 P Cleans (135/95)3 Front Squats 3 Push JerksRest 3:00 AMRAP 33 P Cleans (155/105)3 Front Squats3 Push JerksRest 3:00 AMRAP 33 P Cleans (185/135)3 Front Squats3 Push Jerks At the 20:007:00 to build to heavy C&J Complex1 P Clean + 3 F Squats + 1 Split JerkRead more