
A.  MU Skills B.  OT5:00 For 5 Rounds 0-5:00  – 20/15 Cal Row + 50 WB 5-10:00  – 20/15 Cal Row + 15 MU 10-15:00  – 20/15 Cal Row + 50 Box Jumps 15-20:00  – 20/15 Cal Row + 15 MU 20-25:00  – 20/15 Cal Row + 50 WB
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A.  24:00 EMOM Minute 1 – 10 Deadlift (+/-185/125, moderate heavy) Minute 2 – 20 GHD Sit-up or 25 Ab Mat Minute 3 – 15/10 Cal AB Minute 4 – 50 Double Unders or :40 of attempts/fast singles B. 5:00  Light Sled Relay (fast 25m sprints)
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A.  Weighted box step up – 4 sets of 5 (each leg) B.  2 Rounds 400 Run (or 500 Row) + 50 air squats 400 Run + 30 Burpees 400 Run + 20 OH Stationary Lunge Steps (total,45/25)
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A.  OT2:00 for 6 Rounds (increasing) 1 Clean Pull (straight arm) + 1 HPC + 1 PC + 1 Jerk B.  OTM for 4 Rounds (12:00) #1 – 20 Ab Mat (15 GHD option) #2- 15/12 Cal Row #3- Max C&J (135/95) *score max C&J for the 4 total rounds
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A.  Front Squat OT2:00 (14:00) 5@70% of 1RM FS, 3@75%, 1@80%, 5@75%, 3@80%, 1@85%+, Then 10 Back Squat @ 80% of 1RM FS B.  For time (15:00 cap):  27-21-15-9 WallBall (20/14) & T2B C.  5-6:00 Recovery Row or Easy Bike
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A.  Work up to a heavy set of 5 DL (3-4 attempts), 3 BJ after each B.  5 Rounds of 3:00 work / 3:00 rest 5 Deadlift (heavy) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) 15 Push Up (chest to deck) *Max AAB Calories **score DL weight and total calories
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For time: 3 Rounds of:  30 DU + 12 Pull Up + 8 HSPU Then run 800 Meters (or 1000 row) 2 Rounds of:  30 DU + 12 Pull Up + 8 HSPU Then run 600 Meters (or 750 row) 1 Round of:  30 DU + 12 Pull Up + 8 HSPU Then run 400...
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A.  Back Squat – 5 rep max (2 warm up, 3 attempts climbing) B.  “Not really Cindy” 25:00 AMRAP 5 KB Swings (American, HAP) 10 Push Up 15 Air Squats *every 5 rounds = 20 ab Mat SU
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5:00 AMRAP / 2:00 REST #1 – 10 /7 cal assault bike & 1 Rope Climb #2 – 7 Slam Balls & 7 Burpee #3 – Max MU in 5:00 or (5 Ring Dip & 5 ring Row AMRAP ) #4 – Bear crawl relay 5:00 (split up class into teams)
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A.  6:00 EMOM – 3-5 Strict Pull-ups + Plank the rest of minute B.  For time 1200 / 1000 row 75 thrusters (75/55) 50 pull ups 25 lunge steps (each=1) C.  12:00 easy row or bike, OT3, 6, 9 & 12 complete 10 “V”-ups
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