
A.  5 Rep Bear Complex:  3-4 attempts (PC/FS/PP/BS/PP) B.  12:00 AMRAP 10/8 Cal AAB 5-Rep Bear Complex *score rds/reps & Bear Complex Weight C.  Core:  3:00 of accumulated plank *each break in plank = 10 Hollow Rock
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A.  Work up to Heavy P. Snatch for the Day B.  For Time:  10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 Power Snatch (115/75) C2B Pull-ups C.  6 Run Intervals: *200 Meter Sprint, equal rest
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24:00 EMOM Minute 1:  5 Wall Walks Minute 2:  1-3 Rope Climb Minute 3:  25 Russian KB Swings (HAP)
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A.   3 Thrusters  OT2:00 for 10:00 B.  Partner WOD – 20:00 AMRAP 10 Thruster (75/55) 10 Box Jump (24/20) 10 T2B (knee up Mod) *one partner completes entire round, then switch
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A.  Single Leg RDL (BB, mod DB/KB)  5-5-5 (each leg) *after each Round = 15 Air Squats B.  Work up to WOD Deadlift weight C.  6 Rounds for time (18:00 CAP) 10 Deadlift (225/155) 10 Strict Ring Dip 250/200 Meter Row
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A.  DB Bench Press  10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 *After each set:  10 DB Bent over Row (5/5) B.  20 – 18 – 16 – 12 AAB Calories DB Snatch (work on T-n-G) Burpee Box Over (24/20) 1:00 REST after each Round
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A.  Gymnastics Conditioning:  5 Rounds (+/- 15:00)(work form) 5-10 SHSPU 10-15 C2B Pull-ups 30 Box Step-Ups B.  6 Rounds:  50 Meter Moderately Heavy Sled Push *30 Double Unders after each set **Rest as needed between sets C.  Mandatory Cool Down
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A.  Work Up to Heavy Clean & Jerk for day B.  Double Grace (12:00 CAP):  60 C&J (135/95) C.  NFT – 3 Rounds 2:00 Row/Run/Bike – Moderate 30 Ab Mat Sit Ups (no arms) 20 Controlled Reverse Hyper (GHD)
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A.  5 Rounds for Max Reps 1:00 WallBall (20/14) 1:00 T2B 1:00 Sand Bag Shuttle Run (40 Meters, Down & Back = 1 rep) 1:00 Slow Recovery Jog around Pull Up station B.  Core/Ancillary – coaches choice
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A.  3 Rounds for time (23:00 CAP) 20 KB Swings (24/16 kg) 30 Push Ups 400 Meter Row 50 Air Squat (use aid for depth if needed) B.  After A, 10:00 to establish a Heavy 3 rep Back Squat
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