
In 30:00 score a max Total Points: Deadlift Weight (each lb = 1 pt) Bench Press Weight (ea lb= 1 pt) 200 Meter Sprints (ea= 5 Pts) 25 Meter Sled Push (ea=2 pts) Rope Climb (ea= 3 pts) *athletes choice: moves/rest/order/etc * ex: 300 dead + 200 BP + 10 run (50) + 10 rope...
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A. Strength – Front Squat 5 – 5 – 5 B. 4:00 AMRAP 2 Muscle Up (mod- 4 RR+ 4 RD) 8 Goblet Squats (24/16) 1:00 REST 4:00 AMRAP 4 HSPU 6 KB Swings 2:00 REST 8:00 AMRAP 2 Muscle Up (Mod-4 Ring Row+4 Ring Dip) 4 HSPU 6 KB Swings 8 Goblet Squats 1:00...
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A. 6:00 EMOM – 3 TnG Power Clean (start 75%, increase) B. For time: 50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10 Double Under 10 – 10 -10 – 10 – 10 P. Clean (M:135/115/95-W:95/75/65) 10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50 Ab Mat Sit ups
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A. Work Up to Heavy OHS/WOD Weight B. 5 Rounds for time 10 OHS (H.A.P.) 20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 400 Meter Run 3:00 REST
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3 Rounds: 6:00 AMRAP 10 KB Thrusters (24/16 – 5 each arm) 10 KB Swings * EMOM – 7 GHD or AB Mat Sit-ups 2:00 REST *score total of 3 AMRAP of Thrusters & Swings
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A. Strength-RDL with Snatch Grip 5 – 5 -5 B. For time: 400 Meter Run 21 Deadlift (225/155) 400 Meter Run 15 Deadlift 400 Meter Run 9 Deadlift 400 Meter Run C. 5:00 Foam Roll
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For Time (20:00 CAP) 200 Double Unders (2:1 Singles or Killer Ropes) 100 WallBalls (20/14) 50 Pull Ups 25 Ring Dips
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A. Strength- 5 rounds: HHang PSn+Above Knee PSN+ PSn B. 3 Rounds for Max Reps of each: 2:00 Power Snatch (95/65) 2:00 Box Overs (24/20) 1:00 REST C. Core NFT – 100 Crunches
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A. Strength – Back Squat 5 – 5 – 5 B. 12:00 AMRAP 5 Hang Power Clean (M:135/115/95, W:95/75/65) 10 Front Squat 15 Burpee over Bar (lateral or bar facing) 1:00 REST C. NFT – 5 x 5 strict T2B
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0-3:00 250 Meter Row and 25 Push Ups (A-25,B-20, C-15) 3-6:00 30 Slam Balls & 20 SB Russian Twist (R+L=1) 6-9:00 250 Meter Row and 25 Push Ups 9-12:00 30 Slam Balls & 20 SB Russian Twist (R+L=1) 12-15:00 250 Meter Row and 25 Push Ups 15-18:00 30 Slam Balls & 20 SB Russian Twist...
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1 74 75 76 77 78 96