
A. Oly/Strength: 5 Sets (increasing): P. Snatch+HPS+ 2 OHS B. 10:00 AMRAP 16 DB Snatch (alt- H.A.P.) 16 Box Jumps (24/20) C. 50 U.B. K2E (from Ground-no feet touch)
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21:00 EMOM #1 – 10 Back Squat (155/105) #2 – 10 Manmakers (Push-Rt pull-lt pull=1) #3 – 20 Meter Shuttle Run (5/10/15/20)
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A. Tabata – Row REST 2:00 B. 8:00 AMRAP 10 WallBalls (20/14) 10 Burpees REST 2:00 C. Tabata – Athlete Choice D. Team WOD – TBD
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A. Work Up to Snatch WOD weight B. For Time (20:00 Cap): 50 Ab Mat Sit-ups 40 Push Up (Hand Release) 30 T2B 20 Power Snatch (M:115, W:75) 10 Muscle Ups 20 Power Snatch (M:115, W:75) 30 T2B 40 Push Ups 50 Ab Mat Sit-ups
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A. Weighted Pull-ups 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 B. 12:00 AMRAP 5 C2B Pull-up 10 Front Squat (95/65) 30 Double Unders C. Team Sled Relays
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A. Strength – Press 10 – 10 – 10 B. 3 Rounds For Time: 3 laps of Box 20 KB Swings (24/16 kb) 3 laps of Box 20 KBSDLHP 1:00 REST C. Cool down – 500 Meter Row
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A. Olympic- Power Clean 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 (T-N-G) B. 10 – 1 Hang Power Clean (M:155-W:105) *In between: 3 WallWalks C. NFT – 50 Grasshoppers (R+L=1)
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A. Work up to Deadlift WOD Weight B. On the 5:00 for 5 Rounds 500 (400 W) Row 15 Box Jumps (24″/20″) 10 Deadlift (M-275, W-185)
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A. Work up to a Heavy C&J B. 4 Rounds for time: 7 Strict Pull-ups 10 Clean & Jerk (M:135/115/95,W:95/75/65) 3:00 REST C. 4 Rounds for Time: 20 Wall Ball (20/14) 20 Sit-ups with WB *score time of B and completion of C (inc rest)
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