
10:00 Bench Press 10 – 10 – 10 – 10 – 10 2:00 REST 10:00 Row for Max Calories 2:00 REST 10:00 TGU (pick a weight) for max reps
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A. 10:00 EMOT2:00-Press Tempo 5 reps, :06 to OH (55%+) B. 21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 -6 – 3 (16:00 CAP) Thruster (M:95/75/65, W:65/55/45) Bar Facing Burpees C. 5:00 AMRAP – Easy Pace, Not for Score 10 Superman + 10 Hollow Rocks
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A. Snatch RDL 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 B. 10:00 AMRAP 30 Lunge Steps (ea=1) 20 KB Swings (24/16 kg) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) C. CORE: 3 Rounds NFT 50 Crunches & 15 Reverse Hyper (on GHD)
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20:00 EMOM Odd Minutes – 15 Calorie Row (10 Women) Even Minutes – 10 Pushups + 15 OHS (45/35) *decrease reps as needed
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Partner WOD – Deck of Doom – 1 work/1 hold plank Hearts = Kettlebell Swing (24/16 kg) Diamonds = KB SDLHP Clubs = KB Lunge Steps (R+L=1) Spades = Burpee Joker = Each athlete preforms 50 Meter Sled Push *Notes: Face Cards are 10 reps, Aces are 11 Reps
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A. Find WOD Deadlift Weight B. 5 Rounds for time: 5 Deadlift (Heavy) 10 Ring Dip 15 Calorie Row 1:00 Rest C. Accumulate 2:00 “L” Sit
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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! “Falkel” Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of: 8 Handstand push-ups 8 Box jump, 30 inch box 15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Chris Falkel, 22, of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina,...
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A. Find WOD Snatch (power or squat) Weight B. For Time (15:00 Cap)(Angie Style) 30 Snatch (M:135/115/95, W:95/75/65)(squat or power) 60 WallBalls (20/14) *Starting with and EMOM: 5 T2B C. Group Mobilization
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A. Find Workout Hang Power Clean Weight B. Death By: Hang Power Clean (3/4 BW) & Ring Push-ups *when you can’t finish ea on OTM, divide last attempted round in 1/2 and continue until 20:00 C. 25 Wipers (use WOD weight, R+L=1)
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A. Work up to Heavy 3 Rep Front Squat B. For Time 50 Double Unders (3:1 or killer Rope) 4 Rounds : 5 Front Squat (155/105) & 5 Strict Pull-ups 40 Double Unders 3 Rounds: 5 Front Squat & 5 Strict Pull-ups 30 Double Unders 2 Rounds: 5 Front Squat & 5 Strict Pull-ups 20...
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