
Murph – For Time 1 Mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-Ups 300 Air Squats 1 Mile Run
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Hero Mash or Murph if they can’t attend Saturday 2 Rounds: “Micheal “ 800 Meter Run (or 1000 Meter Row) 50 Back Extentions (superman) 50 Ab Mat Sit-ups “Brenton” 100′ Bear Crawl 100′ Standing Broad Jump *One round of each 2 times through
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A.  Power Clean:  7 Sets – Lift off (pause @ knee) + Cl Pull + PClean B.  Individual Regional Event #6 – 8:00 CAP 30/25 Cal AAB 20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30/24) 10 Power Cleans (185/125 or lower, Heavy Singles) C.  8:00 Relay:  One Sled push into 2 Tire Flips, two teams
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A.  Rope Climb Skills/Technique B.  Individual Regional Event #3 – 18:00 CAP 100′ OH 1-arm Lunge (80/55 DB, MOD: HAP DB or KB) 100 DU (3:1 Singles) 50 WB (30/20 or HAP) **Yes, we did just do these Monday!** 10 Rope Climb 50 WB (30/20 or HAP) 100 DU (3:1 Singles) 100′ OH 1-arm Lunge...
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A.  Work up to heavy DL for the Day B.  Individual Regional Event #4 – 14:00 CAP 60′ HSW (Mod:  6 Wall Walks) + 10 T2B + 10 DL (315/225 or HAP) 60′ HSW (Mod:  6 Wall Walks) + 12 T2B + 12 DL (315/225 or HAP) 60′ HSW (Mod:  6 Wall Walks) + 14...
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A.  Back Squat:  10 – 10 – 10 (increasing) B.  Regional Team Event 3 – Partner 20 Cal AAB (each has to complete) 50 Sync WallBall (Each has WB, 30/20 or scale down) 20 Sync BMU (Mod:  try a sync 1-ring row side by side?) 20 Cal Row (each has to complete) C.  Post –...
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A.  18:00 Time Cap 400 Meter Run 21 Strict Press (95/65) 400 Meter Run 15 Strict Press 400 Meter Run 12 Strict Press * each press break = 200 M Sprint *At conclusion of WOD, Max DU until time expires B.  Tire Flip Relay (in our outside depending on weather)
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A.  For Time:  30 – 20 – 10 AAB Calories Hollow Rocks B.  3 Rounds for time: 25 Calorie Row 30 OverHead Lunge Steps (45/25 plate) C.  For Time: 1200 Meter Run 75 Push-ups ***3:00 REST B/T each section
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A. Front Squat:  20 Rep Max (warm up then one attempt) B.  20:00 AMRAP 5 HSPU (strict) 10 DB Snatch (50/35) 15 Air Squats
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A.  Ladder Speed Drills B.  6 Rounds:  3:00 Work/2:00 REST  (30:00 Total) 15 KB Swings (24/16kg, American) 15 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20) *Max Calorie Row
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