
Kettle bell set at top rated gym near me
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In this free guide, we give you simple tips, easy recipes and so much more! Download the beginner’s guide to meal prepping by clicking the download button below. Beginners Guide to Meal PreppingDownload
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Strength 3 Position Snatch (High hang + Below the Knee + 1” off the floor) 5×3 Conditioning Spiderman 2 Sets3 Rounds15 Toes to bar3 Squat Cleans (205/135)-Rest 1:1 b/t sets-
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Skills 5 rounds of:-5 Strict Handstand Pushups against wall or 5 Handstand Pushups from Box + 30 second Handstand Hold -100 foot Farmers Carry [75/50] [two dumbbells] Conditioning Hot Cocoa 2 Sets (1 Set every 8 Minutes)30/24 Calorie Row600m Run30/24 Calorie Row
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Skills % of 1 RM for Kipping Toes to Bar 4 sets @30%–rest 30 seconds between sets–—rest 2 minutes–3 sets @35%–rest 30 seconds between sets–—rest 2 minutes–2 sets @40% —rest 2 min —max effort L Pops 1 minute Conditioning Air Bud AMRAP 14 Minutes7 Rounds77 Double Unders11 Deadlifts (225/155)7 Strict Handstand Push Ups-In remaining time-Max...
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Strength P Snatch+ Floating Snatch+ OHS6 sets building to heaviest (+/- 80%) Conditioning “Road Rash” AMRAP 1215/12 Cal Bike15 P Press (115/85)15 Pull-Ups15 Bar Facing BurpeesAt the 12:00 mark, 8:00 to establish 1-rep Snatch
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Conditioning “Buy, Buy, Buy”In a 5:00 windowBuy-In 50/35 Cal RowDirectly into AMRAP30 DU15 F Squats (95/65)Rest 5:00In a 5:00 windowBuy-In 40/30 Cal RowDirectly into AMRAP30 DU10 F Squats (135/95)Rest 5:00In a 5:00 windowBuy-In 30/25 Cal RowDirectly into AMRAP30 DU5 F Squats (165/115)
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Strength Front Squats 7 Rounds on the 1:30sOn the 0:00- 3@ 77%On the 1:30- 1@ 82%On the 3:00- 3@ 77%On the 4:30- 1@ 85%On the 6:00- 3@ 77%On the 7:30- 1@ 88%On the 9:00- 12@ 62% Conditioning “Wise Men” AMRAP 3 Max Rounds of Macho Man (135/95)Rest 3:00AMRAP 3 Max Rounds of Macho Man (155/105)Rest...
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Strength Back Squats Based on 5 RM On the 0:00- 9@ 77% On the 2:00- 7@ 84% On the 4:00- 5@ 91% On the 6:00- 3@ 96% On the 8:00- 1@ 100% On the 9:00- 1@ 102% On the 10:00- 1@ 105-106% On the 11:00- 1@ 105-106% On the 12:00- 1@ 105-106% On the 13:00-...
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Strength B Squat – based off 5 RM retest 1/20On the 0:00- 9@ 70%On the 2:00- 7@ 77%On the 4:00- 5@ 84%On the 6:00- 3@ 89%On the 8:00- 1@ 96%On the 9:00- 1@ 99%On the 10:00- 1@ 102%On the 11:00- 1@ 105%On the 12:00- 1@ 108% Conditioning “Dead Space” 5x on the 5:00s7 P Snatch...
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