
9-11 Memorial WOD 13 Rounds 9 ring Rows 11 Wallballs 2001 Row
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*******Due to demolition of the Ramp/construction, all classes will take place outside…be sure to dress warm!   Time Trial 3 Mile Run Cool Down – banded stretches
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A. Strength: Bench Press 10 – 10 – 10 Bent Over Row 10 – 10 – 10 B. 8:00 AMRAP 8 Ring Push Ups 16 Lunge Steps (alt-each step=1)
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A. Strength: Press 10 – 10 – 10 B. For Time: 40 Calorie Row 30 Thrusters (M-115/95/75…W-75/65/55) 20 Wipers (R+L=1) C. Post: NFT – 5-7 Rope Climbs (work technique) ENDURANCE A. 5 Rounds for time: 5 Thrusters (95/65) 10 Pull Ups 15 Burpee 200 Meter Row B. 150 Crunches
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For Time, 25:00 Cap: 2 Rounds:      400 Meter Run      10 Deadlifts (M-275/225/185…W-185/155/125) 2:00 REST 2 Rounds:      25 Burpees      15 Strict Pull-ups 2:00 REST      5 WallWalks      400 Meter Run
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A. For Time, 16:00 Cap: 30 Box Jumps (24/20″), then: 20-15-10 Kettlebell Swings (24/16-American) & Goblet Squats 30 Box Jumps (24/20″), then: 20-15-10 Kettlebell Swings (24/16-American) & Squats 30 Box Jumps (24/20″) B. NFT – 50 Plated Sit-ups (above chest to OH at top)   ENDURANCE For Time: 800 Meter Vested Run 30 Box Step...
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15:00 Total Time Start with 1 Mile Run, in time remaining complete: Max Thrusters Max T2B * Score thruster weight and total reps of each combined
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A. Snatch- Work up to heavy Snatch or Power Snatch B. 12:00 EMOM (both otm, -1 rep if can’t complete otm) 4 Hang Power Snatch (M: 135/115/95/75.. W: 95/75/65/55) 8 Ring Dips REST 2:00 C. 6:00 AMRAP 10 Hollow Rocks 10 Supermans (:02 pause) 20 DU   ENDURANCE A. 3 Rounds- Burpees- 1:00 Work/1:00 Rest...
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A. Weighted Good MOrnings 5-5-5 (+ one jump after each set) B. Work up to Deadlift Weight C. 20:00 Increasing Ladder ( only row increases) Row (100, 200, 300, 400, 500….) 5 Heavy Deadlifts 10 Wallballs * Score last completed row distance
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A. Weighted Push-Ups 10-10-10 B. “Helen” 3 Rounds for Time 400M Run 21 KB Swings (24/16kg) 12 Pull-ups C. NFT- 100 Crunches   ENDURANCE A. 6 Rounds 200M Row Sprint, 0:10 rest, then 100M Row slow B. 6 Rounds 200M Sprint +200M Jog 0:30 between rounds C. 100 Crunches- NFT
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