
MetCon (cap 10:00) “Whoop There it Is” for time104 Wall Balls (20/14)52 Pull-Ups Snatch Hang Snatch + Snatch2 sets (2+1) @ 70% of 1RM2 sets (2+1) @ 73% of 1RMRest 2:00 between sets
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MetCon “Whoops I Did it Again” 3 Rounds12/10 Cal Echo Bike11 Deadlifts (185/125)Rest 1:1 between sets F Squats 5x 3@ 86% of 1RMRest 60-90 seconds between sets
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MetCon “Whoop” AMRAP 1525 T2B15 Burpees to 6″ target25 Alt Single DB Box Overs (24/20) w/ a 50/35#50 HSPU25 Alt Single DB Box Overs15 Burpees to 6″ target25 T2B B Squat 10x 2@ 93% of 1RMRest 6-90 seconds between sets
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MetCon “Triple Deque” 10x on the 2:00s20 Wall Balls (20/14)50 DUs Clean Technique High Hang Muscle CleanJerk Balance3 sets (3+3)Rest :60- :90 between
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Athletes Choice Bike Warm-Up 5:00 easy pace4:00 moderate pace, 2:00 easy3:00 hard pace, 2:00 easy2:00 harder pace, 2:00 easy1:00 harder pace, 2:00 easy3x :30 hardest pace, :30 easy3x :20 hardest pace, :20 easy3x :10 hardest pace, :10 easyCool Down 4:00 recovery pace Mayhem Bodybuilding AMRAP 1212 HSPU (strict if possible)4 Jacobs Ladder Pull-Ups 15-12-10-8Strict PressWeighted Pull-Up***for weight not time 15-12-10-8Arnold PressBent Over Row***for weight not time Bicep Circuit4 sets12 Barbell Curls12 DB Curls (each)12 Preacher Curls20 Forearm Curls on bench Tricep Circuit4 sets20 Bench Dips12 2-way shoulders12 DB Tricep Extensions12 Skull Crushers
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