Gymnastics Skill 5 Rounds 15/12 Cal Row1:00 Max Handstand Walk Conditioning “Big Drip” AMRAP 20200m Run16/12 Cal on machine of choice12 C2B Pull-Ups8 Alternating DB Snatch (70/50)Read More
Conditioning “UFO”AMRAP 580 Stationary Lunge Steps (body weight)200m Sandbag Run (50/25)In time remaining, Max Cal RowRest 5:00AMRAP 540 Single DB Stationary Lunge Steps (50/35)200m Sandbag RunIn time remaining, Max Cal RowRest 5:00AMRAP 520 Double DB Stationary Lunge Steps200m Sandbag RunIn time remaining, Max Cal RowRead More
Strength Pausing Hang Squat Snatch (:02 in catch)6 sets of 2Sets at 50, 53, 56, 59, 62, 65% of 1 RM Conditioning “Dodgeball” 10 RFT15 Wallballs (20/14)200m RunRead More
Strength 5x on the 2:00sSnatch DL w/ :02 pause at the kneeHang Squat SnatchOHS***build to heaviest over 5 rounds Conditioning “Post Pattern” for Time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 P Snatch (115/85)1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 HSPURead More
Strength 10:00 to build to heaviest 2 Rep OHS Conditioning “Speed Demon” AMRAP 3200m Run, 15 Bar Facing BurpeesIn time remaining, max reps OHS (75/55)Rest 3:00AMRAP 3200m Run, 12 Bar Facing BurpeesIn time remaining, max reps OHS (95/65)Rest 3:00AMRAP 3200m Run, 9 Bar Facing BurpeesIn time remaining, max reps OHS (115/85)Rest 3:00AMRAP 3200m Run, 6...Read More