
A.  deadlift 5 – 3 – 1 B.  For time 21  Deadlift(225/155)(athletes can keep one weight as mod) 800 Run 15 Deadlift (275/175) 600 Run 9 Deadlift (315/205) 400 Run C.  NFT 50 single leg glute raises (25/25) & 50 grasshopper (r+l=1) *can breakup as needed
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A. DB  Bench Press  5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 10-1 T2B  (double k2e on ground) *5 HSPU + 200 Sprint after each round C.  3 x 1:00 hollow hold / 1:00 rest D.  3 x 1:00 arch hold / 1:00 rest
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A.  3 rounds  – task FGB – 20:00 CAP 20 WB (20/14) 20 SDLHP (75/55) 20 BJ (20) 20 P Press 20/15 Cal Row 1:00 Rest B. Take 5:00 to find largest UB set of DU
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A.  Work up to heavy 5 Rep Back Squat B.  7:00 AMRAP 20 DB Snatch (alt, H.A.P.) 25 Meter Sled Push 2:00 Transition 7:00 AMRAP 10 Back Squats (185/125, from rack) 30 Double Unders (3:1 singles) 2:00 Transition 7:00 EMOM 100 Meter Partner Sprints – One run/One rest *can break classes into 3 groups
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A.  6:00 Skill/Warm-up:  TGU B.  5:00  – 30 One-Leg Box Jumps (15/15) C.  3 Rounds for time: 20 Box Jumps (24/20) 20 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) 20 Push Ups D.  NFT – 50 Hollow Rocks+ 50 Superman (can break in any order)
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A.  OTM 7:00  1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squat + 1 Jerk (push or split) B.  For Time: 800 Meter Run 25 C2B Pull-ups 50 Front Squats (135/115/95 – 95/75/65) 25 STOH 800 Run C.  Accumulate 3:00 Plank (unbroken if possible)
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A.  Work up to Heavy Deadlift Single for the day B.  For Time, 25:00 Cap: 2 Rounds:      300 Meter Row      10 Deadlifts (M-275/225/185…W-185/155/125) 1:00 REST 2 Rounds: 300 Meter Row      15 T2B 1:00 REST 2 Rounds: 300 Meter Row 20/15 Cal AB *May have to delay start with a big class
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 A.  2016 Masters WOD #4 – 20:00 CAP 55 Bar Facing Burpee 34 OHS (95/65) 21 Ring Muscle Ups (MOD: 21 Ring Row+21 Ring Dip) * Any modifications: after finish, cut reps in 1/2 & repeat until cap B.  12:00 Row, Run or Bike – Easy Pace *OT3, 6, 9, 12 complete 10 GHD or...
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A.  Weighted Pull-up  3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 B.  Helen – 3 Rounds for time 400 Meter Run 21 KB Swings (24/16kg) 12 Pull-ups REST AS NEEDED, THEN: C.  4:00 Plank…each break = 15 Hollow Rocks
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A.  Squat (pick one)  10 @ 60% – 8 @ 70% – 6 @ 80% – 4 @ 85% B.  3:00 WORK/3:00 REST – 4 Rounds of AMRAP 10/8 Cal AAB 10 Pistols (alt) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) C.  Immediately after B, Spend 5:00 on DU Practice **try to get max set when tired
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