
Partner WOD – one work/one rest – 30:00 Cap 2000 Meter Row (alternate every 200 M) 50 Burpee with Plate (45/25) 200 Meter Lunge Step (alternate every 20 M) 100 Ring Row 200 Killer Rope 50 Ab Mat Sit-up with Plate (45/25) 2000 Meter Sandbag Run (alt every 100 M)
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A. Work up to heavy Snatch for the Day (power or squat) B. 8:00 AMRAP 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 – 6 – 9 -12 – 15 – 12 – 9….as far as possible Snatch (95/65, power or squat) T2B C. 6:00 Rope climbs for Reps (small group or single)
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A. Strength: Bent Over Row 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 B. 10:00 AMRAP 20 Double Unders (4:1 singles) 20 Hand Release Push-ups 200 Meter Sprint C. Group Stretch
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A. Weighted Ring Dips 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 B. NFT – 5 Rounds (working form/ROM) 7 Strict Pull-ups 5 Strict Press (Athletes choice- challenge themselves) *when completed with B, start a running clock: C. 4:00 Max Weighted Lunge Steps (45/25) D. Cool down – 2-3:00 easy Row
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A.  “Death By”:  Wallballs (20/14#) & Box Jumps, 20:00 total minutes *minute 1-1 WB & 1 BJ, minute 2-2WB & 2 BJ….until you can’t complete on the minute.  Once you can’t complete, divide your last attempted round in half and continue until 20:00 on the clock B.  5:00 of mobilization
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A.  Bench Press 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 B.  Partner Row Repeats (each completes) 200 M / 300 M / 400 M / 500 M C.  NFT – 100 Crunches
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A. 0:00 – 5:00 on Clock: 800 M Run for Time (rest in time left) B. 5:00 – completion: Race to 100 Slam Balls (30/20) *Start with and EMOM – 5 T2B C. Set up Sleds and have class play on turf (Coach choice)
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Lurong Challenge WOD #5 15 Minute AMRAP Men: Level III(3) 1 Squat Clean at 185 lbs 1 Muscle Up 2 Squat Cleans at 185 lbs 2 Muscle Ups 3 Squat Cleans at 185 lbs 3 Muscle Ups 4 Squat Cleans at 185 lbs 4 Muscle Ups …and so on Level II (2) 1 Squat Clean...
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2 Rounds for Max Reps 2:00 Max Strict Pull-ups 1:00 REST 2:00 Max Ring Dips 1:00 REST 2:00 Max Kettlebell Swings 1:00 REST 2:00 Max Box Jumps (30/24) 1:00 REST
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A. OLY – 3 Sets – 2 P. Snatch (@knee) + 2 Snatch (@knee) + 4 OHS B. 10:00 AMRAP 5 Power Snatch 5 OHS 30 Double-Unders (4:1) C. 50 Wipers (R+L=1 rep)
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