
A. 3 Rounds for time: 20 Weighted Lunge Steps (45/25 Plate-hold in any position) 10 GTOH (plate) 20 Weighted Lunge Steps 10 Weighted Sit-up *rest as needed, then on your own clock B. 5:00 Max Rope Climbs (can share/partner)
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A. Bench Press 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 B. For Time: 10 Calorie Row 15 Pull-up + 20 Push-up 20 Calorie Row 15 Pull-up + 20 Push-up 30 Calorie Row 15 Pull-up + 20 Push-up 20 Calorie Row 15 Pull-up + 20 Push-up 10 Calorie Row 15 Pull-up + 20 Push-up...
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A. Strength: OHS 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 B. For Time: 50 Double Unders, then 3 Rounds of: 10 Thruster (75/55) + 10 Hollow Rocks 50 Double Unders, then 3 Rounds of: 10 Thruster (75/55) + 10 Hollow Rocks 50 Double Unders C. Mobility/Cool Down
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0:00 – 10:00, complete (rest in time remaining): 12 – 9 – 6 Power Clean (M: 185/155/135/115, W: 115/105/95/75) Ring Dip 10:00 – 20:00 7:00 AMRAP 5 HSPU 10 Alternating Pistols (sub 10 ea leg step up, no bounce) 20:00 – 26:00 800 Meter Run, in time remaining: Max Ring Row * score time part...
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A. 5 Rounds for time: 200 Meter Run 20 Slam Balls (30/20) 100 Meter Run 10 T2B 1:00 REST B. NFT – 10 Tire Flips
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A. RDL – 5 sets of 8 B. Paleo Benchmark #2 9:00 AMRAP 20 GTOH (95/65) 7 Bar Facing Burpee 15 GTOH (135/85) 7 Bar Facing Burpee 10 GTOH (155/105) 7 Bar Facing Burpee 5 GTOH (185/135) 7 Bar Facing Burpee Max GTOH (225/155)
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A. Oly – Drop Snatch – 5 sets of 3 Snatch – work up to heavy Double B. 15:00 EMOM 2 Snatch (M-135/115/95…W-95/75/65) OTM 2 Muscle-Ups (sub 4 ring row + 4 ring dip) OT:30 C. NFT – 150 Crunches
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A. Paleo Benchmark #3 11:00 Increasing Ladder 3 WallBalls (20 – 10′, 14 – 9′) 3 Box Jumps (24/20) 3 Deadlift (115/75) 6 WB 6 BJ 6 DL 9……..etc B. CORE: 4 rounds with Partner- :45 weighted Planks, switch OTM
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A. Partner WOD – for time, both working: Partner 1 -30 KB (24/16), Partner 2 – 30 KR…then switch P1 – 30 HR Push-ups, P 2 – 30 Wt. ABMat (25/15)…then switch P1 -20 KB (24/16), P2 – 20 KR…then switch P1 – 20 HR Push-ups, P 2 – 20 Wt. ABMat (25/15)…then switch P1...
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A. Front Squat – 12 reps at 80% of your 1 RM B. Paleo Benchmark #1 – for max reps 4:00 Row for Calories 1:00 REST 3:00 C2B Pullups (C2B/chin-over/jumping) 1:00 REST 2:00 Max Back Squat (M-165/115/air, W-115/80/air) 1:00 REST 1:00 STOH (M-135/95/65, W-95/65/45)
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