
A. Strict Press-Snatch Grip ( behind the neck) 10-10-10 B. 4:00 AMRAP 5 Hang Power Clean and Jerk (mid thigh) (95/65) 10 Air Squats 2:00 Rest C. 4:00 AMRAP 5 Hang Power Clean and Jerk (above knee) (95/65) 10 Back Squats 2:00 Rest D. 4:00 AMRAP 5  Power Clean and Jerk  (95/65) 10 Front Squats...
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work in pairs ( one works/one rests) 6 Total Rounds for each person- 2:00 work/2:00 rest 200M Run (250M row alternating every round) max burpee Box Jumps in time remaining * score is total BBJ across all 6 rounds
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18:00 Time Cap 400M Run 21 Strict Press (95/65) 400M Run 15 Strict Press 400M Run 12 Strict Press * each press break=200M Run * at Conclusion of WOD, max Double Unders until time expires
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A. Strength: Back squat 3-3-3 ( 2 WU sets before) B. WOD 3 Rounds- 3:00 AMRAP with 1:00 Rest 7 Push-ups 7 Bent over Rows 7 Front Squats C. Core ENDURANCE WOD: 3 Rounds for Time 500M Row 50 Wallballs
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TABATA THURSDAY * KB Swings * KB SDLHP * One leg box Step ups ( alternate sides each round) * Ab Mat sit-ups
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“lynne” 5 Rounds for Max Reps (NFT) Max BW Bench, then Max Pull-ups (no rest B/T) * rest approximately 3:00 between round   Endurance WOD: 35:00 Increasing Ladder 1 Rope Climb 100M Run 2 Rope Climb 200M Run 3 Rope Climb 300M Run 4 Rope Climb 400M Run etc…
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A. Clean Lift Off 3-3-3 (:04 pause above knee, return) Clean pull 3-3-3 (Holding shrug :03) B. Open WOD 14.4   14:00 AMRAP 60 Calorie Row 50 T2B 40 Wallballs 30 Cleans (135/95) 20 Muscle ups
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A. 30 Goblet Squats (24/16) then run 400 with KB 20 Goblet Squats at the top of the hill 10 Goblet Squats at return to box B. 30 Slam balls (30/20) then run 400 with SB 20 Slam balls at the top of the hill 10 Slam balls at return to box C. 60 Killer Rope then...
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4 TEAM TRAIN 25:00 AMRAP 15 GHD Sit-ups 20 GTOH 25 Push Press 30 Killer Ropes then row until person behind you is caught up 600M run   * Score is max meters rowed * can’t move on until teammate ahead has completed movement
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A.  8:00 to establish Heavy 1 rep Deadlift B.  6:00 AMRAP 25 Box Jumps (24/20″) 20 Wallballs (20/14) 15 lateral Burpees over bar 10 DeadLift (heavy) 3:00 REST 6:00 AMRAP 10 Deadlift 15 lateral Burpees over Bar 20 Wallballs 25 Box Jumps
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1 88 89 90 91 92 96