
A.  3 Rounds for time: 500 Meter Row 21 Kettlebell Swings (32kg/20kg) 400 Meter Run B.  30 TGU – NFT  
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A.  8:00 EMOM – 2 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk (increasing) B.  6 Rounds for max reps: :30 Hang Power Clean (135/95) :30 REST :30 Shoulder to Overhead :30 REST :30 Weighted Lunge Steps (overhead or front rack) :30 REST
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A.  Front Squat 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 B.  10:00 AMRAP 10 Front Squats (95/65) 200 Meter Run 1 Rope Climb (15′) C.  NFT – 100 crunches
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Race to 500 Reps: 3:00 to complete 100 Pull-ups 1:00 REST 3:00 to complete 100 Push-ups 1:00 REST 3:00 to complete 100 Double-unders 1:00 REST 3:00 to complete 100 Slam Balls (30/20) 1:00 REST 3:00 to complete 100 Ab Mat Situps * score total reps completed
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A. Press 5-5-5 Push Press 3-3-3 Jerk 1-1-1 B. 4:00 Minutes Sled Push C. 4:00 Minutes Atlas Stones ( alternating shoulders) D. NFT: 0:30 L sit, then 1:00 Plank- 3 Rounds   Endurance: 20 Killer Ropes 200M Run with Rope 40 Killer Ropes 400M Run with Rope 80 Killer Ropes 800M Run with Rope 100...
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2 Rounds of: 2:00 20 Burpee, then max DB Snatch 2:00 Rest 2:00 Run 200, then max Slam Balls 2:00 Rest 2:00 100 DU, then max Box Step Ups 2:00 Rest 2:00 25 KB Swings, then max Lunge Steps 2:00 Rest
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A. Strength Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 B. Wod 20 T2B 20 OHS 20 T2B 30 Front Squats 20 T2B 40 Back Squats 20 T2B   ENDURANCE WOD: 0-10 Minutes: 1 mile run: time remaining max effort KB Swings 10-20 Minutes: 1600M Row: time remaining max effort burpees * Score KB Swings and Burpees
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A.  Weighted Pull-ups – work up to a heavy 3 RM B.  For time: 15 – 12 – 9 Pull-up Box Overs (24/20) Ring Push-up 1:00 REST 800 Meter Run 1:00 REST 9 – 12 – 15 Pull-up Box Overs Ring Push-up
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A.  Work up to a heavy Cluster (clean+thruster) B.  3:00 Max Cluster (95/65) 3:00 Max Calorie Row 1:00 REST 2:00 Max Cluster (115/75) 2:00 Max Calorie Row 1:00 REST 1:00 Max Cluster (135/95) 1:00 Max Calorie Row C.  100 Unbroken Ab Mat Sit-ups for Time
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