Strength 5 Sets:1 Tempo Pausing Front Squat1 Front Squat Tempo: 5s negative, 3 second pause in bottom. Regular stand. Conditioning “Jack Daniels”For Time:1,000 Meter Run50 Thrusters (65/45)30 CTB Pull-UpsRead more
Strength Deadlift, building wave sets Conditioning “El Nino”For Time:1 Mile Run50 DB Snatches (50/35)400 Meter Wreckbag Run (70/50)30 Pull-Ups20 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)Read more
Strength 4 Rounds, Not for Time:18 Banded Good Mornings15 x 4-Count Flutter Kicks12 Glute Bridges Conditioning For Time:120/100 Cal RowStarting with and every 2:00:3 Ring MU or 3 Wall WalksRead more
Strength On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:1 Hang Power Snatch2 Power Snatches3 Overhead Squats Conditioning “Bartender”AMRAP 10:12 Deadlifts9 Overhead Squats6 Hang Power SnatchesRead more