
A.  Weighted Pistols  4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 (each leg) B.  10:00 CAP 1000 Meter Row 50 Push-Ups *Max Wallballs (20/14) in the time remaining **Have them set a rep scheme and planned rest (maybe 10 w/:05 rest) C.  8:00 Team Sled Relay – 2 Groups, 25 Meter (heavy) *after each...
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A.  Hang Power Clean:  8 – 6 – 4 – 2 B.  7 Rounds (21:00) #1 – 5 Hang Power Clean (Athlete Choice) #2 – 10-15 Lateral Burpee over bar #3 – 15/10 AAB Calories *test a round (:40 to establish benchmark number) C.  Mobilize
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***Open WOD 17.3*** (only athletes in Open) *Post OPEN WOD   +/- 10:00 Row/Bike/Run cool down      All others: A.  12:00 Increasing Ladder KB Swing:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… (increase by 1 each round) Goblet Squat:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… (increase by 1 each round) B.  4 Rds NFT – 10...
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A.  Strict Press  5 – 5 – 5 B.  Push Press  3 – 3 – 3 C.  4 Rounds:  3:00 WORK / 3:00 REST 200 Meter Sandbag Sprint (or 300 Meter Row) 20 Lateral Bar Jumps (O&B=1) *Max STOH (athletes choice of weight) D.  Mobilize
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A.  On the Odd Minutes (REST EVEN)- 36:00 CAP 2 Rounds for time: 60 Double Under 50 KB Swings (24/16kg) 40 Goblet Squats 30 Ring Row 20 Ring Dips B.  800 Meter Jog following WOD
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A.  Deadlift 3 – 3 – 3 – 3- 3 (75-80% across) B.  7 Rounds for time: 10 Deadlift (185/125) 15 Push-Ups 1 Rope Climb D.  Tabata Hollow Rocks, then 200′ Seal Walk on Turf (D&B)
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A.  Front Squat (rack)  5 Rounds on the :90 – 3 reps (75-80%) B.  For time:  21 – 15 -9 Front Squat (115/75 from floor) Box Jumps (30/24) C.  At the 8:00 Mark, complete: 6:00 AMRAP – 10 WallBall (20/14) & 10 Ab Mat Sit-up REST 3:00 After C, then: D.  5:00 – Max Calories...
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***Open WOD 17.2*** POST WOD:  2000 Meter Row (20 S/M, 25 S/m, 30 S/M..switch every 250) OR  All Others not in Open A.  12:00 AMRAP 10 GTOH (45/25) 10 Stationary OH Lunge (or wt box step up if they have done 17.2) 10 Burpee to plate 10 Stationary OH Lunge 10 GTOH (45/25) B.  2000...
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A.  Weighted Push-ups  5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 (increasing) B.  4 Rounds For max Reps: 1:00 Shuttle Run (10 m/back/20 m/back= 1 rep) 1:00 Push Up 1:00 Double Unders 1:00 Farmer Carry 1:00 REST
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A.  30:00 Partner AMRAP *Partner 1 – 400 Meter Row *Partner 2 – AMRAP of 20 WB + 10 T2B **switch after each row, score one total AMRAP number B.  Core – Coaches choice
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