
4:00 AMRAP 5 T2B 10 Thruster (95/65) 1:00 REST 4:00 AMRAP 10 Thruster (95/65) 20 DU (4:1) 1:00 REST 4:00 AMRAP 20 DU (4:1) 5 T2B 1:00 REST 4:00 AMRAP 5 T2B/10 Thruster/20 DU
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There will be NO open gym today due to the weather….normal classes all day on Monday
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Open WOD 12.3 – 18:00 AMRAP 15 Box Jump (24/20 – or step up) 12 P. Press (115/75) 9 T2B
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24 :00 AMRAP – for max HPC reps 5 Hang P. Clean (M:155/135/115/95, W:105/95/75/65) 2 Rounds of Cindy: 5 Pull-up/10 Push-up/15 Squat 5 Hang P. Clean (M:155/135/115/95, W:105/95/75/65) 2 Rounds of Cindy: 5 Pull-up/10 Push-up/15 Squat ETC…until time expires
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A. MU skills or accumulate 10 MU Minimum *hollow swings, hip pop on wall, etc B. Tabata Mash-up (1:00 rest b/t) 1 & 3: DB Snatch (alt arms every other interval) 2 & 4: Alt B/T Ring Row & Ring Dip
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A. Strength 8:00 EMOM – 3 Front Squat (60%, increasing) B. 5 Rounds for time: 10 Front Squat (115/75) 10 Burpee over Bar C. Accumulate 2-3:00 “L” sit
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A. 3 Attempts to accumulate max SHSPU B. 5 Rounds on the 4:00 (rest in time remaining) 15 KB Swings (unbroken) 3 Wall Walk 500 Meter Row (lower by 100 if no finish previous rd) *20M shuttle run after WOD for any no finish OT4
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Happy Valentines Day – Partner WOD – 18:00 AMRAP 20 Slamballs (30/20) 20 Ab Mat Sit up – chest pass w/SB 20 SB wall shots 20 Burpee (partner holds both SB) 20 M SB toss 200 M Run with SB and holding killer rope together *one work/one rest except Ab Mat, Toss and run  
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A. Work up to WOD Deadlift Weight or heavy for day B. For Time: 1000 Meter Row 20 Deadlift (M:245/225/185, W: 165/155/135) 50 WallBalls 20 Deadlift (M:245/225/185, W: 165/155/135) 500 Row
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A. Strength – 5 rounds – P Press + P. Jerk + Split Jerk For Time: 20 Box Overs (24/20) 40 T2B 20 Box Overs (24/20) 40 Push Press (95/65) 20 Box Overs (24/20) 40 Cal Row 20 Box Overs (24/20)
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