
For Time 1000 Meter Row 40 DB Snatch (alt Arm – HAP) 750 Meter Row 30 DB Snatch 500 Meter Row 20 DB Snatch 250 Meter Row 10 DB Snatch
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A. Strength – OHS: Work up to heavy 3 Rep Set (from Rack) B. 6 Rounds EMOM (18:00 total) #1 – 12 C2B Pull-ups #2 – 20 Back Squats (95/65 – from ground) #3 – 50 Double Unders (or :40 attempts) C. 150 Crunches
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Odd Object Day: 20:00 for max Points Shuttle Run (5/10/15/20 Meter)(ea=1 point) 25 Meter Sled (ea=1 point) Tire flip (2 flips=1 point) Rope Climb (ea=1 point) Atlas Stone Shoulder (2 = 1 point) Standing Stationary Bike (1:00 = 1 point) Double Unders (30 = 1 point)
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A. Work up to Heavy Thruster B1. 4:00 to complete 3 rounds (rest in time remaining): 10 Thursters (95/65) 10 C2B Pull-ups *Penalty for not finishing: 800 Meter Run and 50 Hollow Rock B2. 4:00 to complete 3 rounds – 12 thruster/12 C2B *Penalty for not finishing: 600 Meter Run and 40 Hollow Rock B3....
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A. Work up to Deadlift WOD weight B. In 14:00 complete the following: 1000 Meter Row, then AMRAP 5 Deadlift (Heavy as Possible) 15 Push-ups 2:00 REST C. Race to 100 Ab Mat Sit-ups
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A. 4 Rounds 1:00 Burpees 1:00 KB Swings (24/16 kg) 1:00 Jump Lunge 1:00 SDLHP (KB) 1:00 REST B. 4:00 team relay: 25 Meter plank walks on turf (feet on plate)
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A. 7:00 EMOM – 1 P.Clean+1 HSC+1 FS+ 1 Jerk B. 6 Rounds for max Reps :30 HPC (M:155/135/115/95, W:105/95/75/65) :30 REST :30 Front Squat :30 REST :30 Bar Jumps (o&b=1) :30 REST
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A. Bench Press 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 B. 3 Rounds for time: 25 Box Overs (24/20″) 25 Slam Balls (30/20#) 1:00 REST
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A. 14:00 AMRAP 4 DHSPU 8/8 Pistols 10 C2B Pull-ups B. Fun team WOD -TBD
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A. Strength: Work up to Heavy 3 Rep Deadlift B. 7 Rounds: 2:00 Work/1:00 REST 5 Deadlift (Heavy) 10 Box Jump (30/24) 10 Ring Row *max HR Push-ups *score total Push-ups across 7 rounds
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