
A. 1 Set: Max C2B Pull-ups into Max Push-up set (score total) B. 30:00 AMRAP 10 C2B Pull-ups 20 Push-ups 40 Air Squats 2:00 Jog
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A. Warm up to P. Clean Weight + HSPU Practice B. Open WOD 15.4 – 8:00 Increasing Ladder HSPU (3,6,9,12,15,18,21…3 every round) Power Cleans (185/125)(3,3,3,6,6,6,9,9,9…3 every 3 rounds) C. Teams of 3 for 12:00 (2 rounds) 2:00 Assult Bike (keep steady pace – Men 60rpm+, Women 50rpm+) 2:00 Ab Mat Sit-ups 2:00 Lunge Steps
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A.  Bear Complex:  1×7 rep, 1×5 rep, 1×3 rep  (no drop) B.  13:00 AMRAP      5 HPC (M-135/115/95,W-95/75/65)      5 Front Squats      5 S.T.O.H      3 Burpee MU (A. BMU / B. GI Jane/C. Burpee-T2B) *score rounds, weight C.  30 Wipers (R+L=1)
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A.  Work up to WOD Deadlift Weight B.  “Diane”:   21-15-9      Deadlift (225/155)      HSPU *Mandadory Score Day – BENCHMARK (weight/time/mod’s) rest as needed, then NFT: C.  50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10 Ab Mat Sit-ups      10 – 10 – 10 – 10 – 10 Strict Bent over Row
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0:00-5:00 –  25 Cal Row (20 Women), then 40 Medball Clean (20/14) 5:00 – 10:00 – 25 Cal Row (20 W), then 40 Ring Row 10:00-15:00 – 25 Cal Row (20 W), then 40 Ring Dips 15:00-20:00 – Split class in 1/2 and don’t let the sleds stop for 5:00
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A.  Oly:  5 Sets – 3 Position P Snatch (High/above knee/floor) B.  10:00 AMRAP      8 P. Snatch (95/65)      12 Box Overs (24/20) C.  50 U.B. K2E (from Ground-no feet touch)
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A.  21:00 EMOM      #1 – 10 Back Squat (155/105-from rack)      #2 – 10 Manmakers (Push-Rt pull-lt pull=1)      #3 – Assult Bike 12/9 Calories B.  Mandatory Cooldown:  800 Easy Row
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A.  MU skills, then transitions for 5:00 *if people have MU, try to complete max reps or 30 in 5:00 B.  Tabata Mash-up –      #1:  DB Snatch – Right Arm      #2:  Ring Dip      #3: DB Snatch – Left Arm      #4:  Ab Mat Sit-up *athletes will Rotate each :20 interval (1, 2,...
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A.  3 Attempts -max SHSPU+KHSPU (strict then to kip at failure) B.  5 Rounds on the 4:00 (rest in time remaining)      20 KB Russian Swings (unbroken/HAP)      3 Wall Walk      500 Meter Row (lower by 100 if no finish previous rd) *20M shuttle run after WOD for any no finish OT4
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A.  Strength 8:00 EMOM – 3 Front Squat (60%, increasing) B.  5 Rounds for time:      10 Front Squat (115/75)      10 Burpee over Bar C.  3 Rounds – NFT :30 “L” Sit + 10 “V”-Up + 10 Hollow Rock
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