“Always Remembered” Teams of 2: Buy-In: 2001 Meter Row 4 rounds: 9 Rope Climbs 11 Bear Complexes (135/95) Cash-Out: 2977 Meter Row “Always Remembered” is an annual workout done to honor those who lost their lives on 9/11/01 in the terrorist attacks in New York City. The 2001 meter row represents the year. The 4...Read More
Strength: Turkish Get-Up Build to Moderate Load on Each Arm *Score is weight used. If one arm was lighter, score is the lighter of the two weights.* “E-Brake” 3 Rounds: 400 Meter Run 20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 15/10 Calorie Assault BikeRead More
3-Position Power Snatch Build to a Heavy Complex “Daily Dozen” AMRAP 12: 12 Lateral Barbell Burpees 9 Power Snatches (115/80) 6 Bar Muscle-UpsRead More
Front Squat 3 Sets of 5 “Annie’s on the Run” For Time: 100 Double Unders, 50 Sit-ups, 200 Meter Run 80 Double Unders, 40 Sit-ups, 200 Meter Run 60 Double Unders, 30 Sit-ups, 200 Meter Run 40 Double Unders, 20 Sit-ups, 200 Meter Run 20 Double Unders, 10 Sit-ups, 200 Meter RunRead More