Strength Clean & Jerk for load:– Work up to 75% for the day, then perform 3 singles at 65% of 1RM* rest 60 seconds between sets * Conditioning Open 14.4 aka WHOOPie Goldberg AMRAP 14 Minutes60 Calorie row50 Toes to bar40 Wall Balls (20/14)30 Power Cleans (135/95)20 Muscle UpsRead More
Strength Snatch:* Work up to 75% for the day, then perform 3 singles at 65% 1RM* rest 60 seconds between sets * Conditioning Sweet Potato Casserole 4 Sets (1 Set Every 6:00)21/17 Calorie Row11 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)15/12 Calorie Row 11 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)9/7 Calorie RowRead More
Strength 3 Squat Cleans x 2 sets2 Squat Cleans x 3 sets * Weight ranges anywhere from 55-65% of 1RM Clean* Complete sets in ” Touch and Go “. 3 Deadlift x 3 sets @65% of 1RM Deadlift Conditioning Turkey N’ Dressing 3 sets (1 Set every 3 Minutes)100 Double Unders30 Push UpsRead More
Strength Split Jerk 3-2-1-2-2-1Split Jerk: 3 x @50%2 x @55%1 x @60%2 x @55%2 x @60%1 x @65% Conditioning Give Thanks 50 Air Squats25 Dumbbell Snatches (70/50)50 Air Squats-rest 1:1-25 Pistols50 Dumbbell Snatches (50/25)25 PistolsRead More
Strength Clean & Jerk for load:– Work up to a max for the day, then perform 3 singles at 90% 1RM* rest 60 seconds between sets * Conditioning Joe Montana FULL SEND FRIDAYFor time60 Pull-Ups*perform 10 burpees to bar start of each minute (bar 6” outside of max reach)-rest til 12:00-12 Rope Climbs*perform 12 burpees...Read More
Strength 4×3 Snatch + Power Snatch to parallel + Snatch Conditioning Dick Butkus AMRAP 10 minutes:20 Toes to Bar 20 Walking Overhead Lunges 50/35 [switch arms after 10 lunges] Rest 3 Minutes Reggie White AMRAP 10 minutes:5 STRICT Handstand Push Up 10 KIPPING Handstand Push Up 50 double undersRead More
Strength 2 Squat Cleans x 3 sets (75-90% of 1RM) * Rest as needed between sets * Conditioning Ray Lewis 8 Sets (1 set every 3 minutes)15/12 Calorie Row (OR 200m Run)*Odd Sets: 15 Power Snatches (95/65)*Even Sets: 15 Burpee Over RowerRead More
Strength Back Squat:– Establish a 2 RM for the day. Then, perform a drop set at 10% and 15% of that 2 RM. Push Press:– Establish a 2 RM for the day. Then, perform a drop set at 10% and 15% of that 2RM. Conditioning John Elway 2 Sets5 Power Cleans (155/105)50 Double Unders50’ Handstand...Read More
Skills % of 1 RM for Strict Handstand Push Up 3 sets @30%–rest 30 seconds between sets–—rest 2 minutes–2 sets @35%–rest 30 seconds between sets–—rest 2 minutes–1 sets @40% *Scale: Box Handstand Push Up [The % is based off of week one Strict Handstand Push Up number only, NOT the combination of strict and kipping]....Read More