Strength P Snatch + OHS2x (3+1)2x (2+1)2x (1+1)Rest :60-:90 between MetCon Red Wing for Time30-20-10DB Thrusters (50s/35s)20-15-5Strict Pull-UpsRead More
Strength 1″ Liftoff + Clean + Jerk3x (2+1+1)2x (1+1+1)Rest 2:00 between sets MetCon Winter Soldier with a running clock0:00-3:0015/12 Cal Echo Bike15 P Snatch (75/55)3:00-6:0015/12 Cal Echo Bike12 P Snatch (95/65)6:00-9:0015/12 Cal Echo Bike9 P Snatch (115/85)9:00-12:0015/12 Cal Echo Bike6 P Snatch (135/95)12:00-15:0015/12 Cal Echo Bike3 P Snatch (155/105)15:00-18:0015/12 Cal Echo Bike1 P Snatch (185/135)Read More
Strength Back Squat8x 3 building each setRest 2:00 between sets MetCon Falcon for Time (13:00 cap)50 GHDSU50 Burpees to 6″ target50 Toes to BarRead More
Strength P Clean + P Jerk + Jerk3 working sets (1+1+1)Rest 2:00 between sets MetCon w/ a partner The Waterboy 4 RoundsAMRAP 410 Syncro Burpees30 Syncro Air Squats50 DUs each (at same time)Max Wall Balls (20/14) in time remainingRest 2:00 between roundsRead More
Strength Push Press + Pause Push Jerk:02 pause in catch3x (2+1) @ 70-75% of P Press2x (1+1) @ 70-75% of P PressRest :60-:90 between MetCon Glory Road 5 Rounds200m Run or 24/18 Cal Row200′ Sandbag or Farmer CarryRest 2:00 between roundsSandbag 150/100 Farmer Carry 70s/50sRead More
Strength Tempo Pause B Squat:03 down, :02 pause5x 5 building each set MetCon Rocky IV AMRAP 2020/16 Cal Row10 Burpee Box Overs (24/20)Rest :30 between roundsRead More
Strength 3 Position SnatchHi Hang- Hang- Floor5 Sets building up from 65% MetCon DodgeBall (Cap 20:00)21-15-9 Double DB F Squat (50s/35s)12-9-6 Burpee Pull-UpsDirectly into72 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35)Read More
Strength Front Squat + Jerk5 Sets (1+1) building each setSuggested weights- 65, 70, 75, 80 and 85% of 1RM Jerk MetCon “Flash”AMRAP 550 DUs12 Deadlift (155/105)Rest 2:00AMRAP 550 DUs9 Hang P Clean (155/105)Rest 2:00AMRAP 550 DUs6 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)Read More