Strength Snatch Technique3 Rounds on the 2:00s1 Pause Snatch Balance1 Snatch BalanceSets @ 50, 55, and 60%At the 6:00 mark, EMOM 55 Touch and Go Squat Snatches Conditioning “Over and Out” for Time20 Power Snatch (95/65)20 Lateral Bar Burpees20 OHS (95/65)20 Lateral Bar Burpees20 Squat Snatch (95/65)Read More
Conditioning “Buy, Buy, Buy”In a 5:00 windowBuy-In 50/35 Cal RowDirectly into AMRAP30 DU15 F Squats (95/65)Rest 5:00In a 5:00 windowBuy-In 40/30 Cal RowDirectly into AMRAP30 DU10 F Squats (135/95)Rest 5:00In a 5:00 windowBuy-In 30/25 Cal RowDirectly into AMRAP30 DU5 F Squats (165/115)Read More
Capacity Builder AMRAP 49 P Snatch (135/95)12 P Clean (135/95)15 P Jerks (135/95)AMRAP in time remaining, OHS (135/95) Conditioning “Kicking and Screaming” AMRAP 2010 P Snatch (115/85)20 OHS (115/85)30 T2B40 Alt Single DB Hang C&J (50/35)Read More
Snatch Technique 4 Rounds on the 2:00s3 Position Muscle Snatch1 Pause OHS1 Snatch Balance Set 1@ 40%, Set 2@ 43%, Set 3@ 46%, Set 4@ 50% Conditioning “Granola Bar” AMRAP 127 Bar MU7 Lateral Burpees over Bar7 Clusters (135/95)7 Lateral Burpees over BarRead More
Clean & Jerk Complex 5 Rounds on the 3:00s50 Double Unders2 P Clean2 F Squat 2 Push JerksSet 1@ 55%, Set 2@ 60%, Set 3-5@ 65-70% Conditioning “Snickers” for Time30-20-10Power CleansFront SquatsPush Jerks***Barbell weights (95/65)Read More