Strength 7 sets on the :90sPower Clean+ F Squat+ Push Jerk+ ClusterSets @ 50, 55, 60, 65, and last 3 sets @ 70% Conditioning Rack City for time10 P Cleans (155/105)50 Air Squats10 F Squats (155/105)50 Air Squats10 Push Jerks (155/105)50 Air SquatsRead More
Strength Front Squat Singles EMOM 9Min 1@ 84%Min 2@ 87%Min 3@ 90%Min 4@ 87%Min 5@ 90%Min 6@ 93%Min 7@ 90%Min 8@ 93%Min 9@ 96%***use time up to 15:00 to build to heavy single Conditioning Crash Test for Time1500m Row30 DL (245/165)45 Lateral Burpees over the BarRead More
Gymnastics Skill 4x on the 2:30s40 DU15 GHDSUMax distance Handstand Walk in time remaining Conditioning Sprint Tri Intervals 5x AMRAP 430/20 Cal Row20/14 Cal BikeAMRAP 10m ShuttlesRest 4:00 betweenRead More
Gymnastics Conditioning Every :90 for 9:00 (6 sets)Max set HSPU Conditioning AMRAP 940 Bar Facing Burpees40 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)In time remaining, max reps Bar MURead More