Strength Front Squat EMOM 91 Rep each minuteMin 1@ 78%, Min 2@ 81%, Min 3@ 84%Min 4@ 81%, Min 5@ 84%, Min 6@ 87%Min 7@ 84%, Min 8@ 87%, Min 9@ 90% Conditioning Marston AMRAP 201 Deadlift (405/285)10 Toes to Bar15 Bar Facing BurpeesRead More
Strength 5 Rounds on the :90sPause Power Clean+ Power CleanPause :02@ knee and :02 in catchSet 1@ 60%, Set 2@ 63%, Set 3@ 66%, Set 4@ 69%, Set 5@ 72% Conditioning Zoolander AMRAP 1530 Double Unders10 Power Cleans (155/105)30 Double Unders10 Bar Facing BurpeesRead More
Strength Push Press4 sets of 6, rest 2:00 between Conditioning “Speedo” 5 Rounds on the 3:00s21/15 Cal Row15 Plate Hops5 Thrusters***build to heavy Thruster weightRead More
Strength Double KB Single Leg DL3 sets of 6 each legBuild to heaviest as possible Conditioning 21-15-9 for TimeDeadlift (225/155)Bar Facing Burpees***30/20 Cal Bike in between setsRead More
Conditioning EMOM 24 (6 Rounds)Min 1: 35 Double UndersMin 2: 10 Left Arm DB Hang C&J (50/35)Min 3: 10 Toes to BarMin 4: 10 Right Arm DB Hang C&J (50/35)Read More