Relay Style – groups of 4-5 20 Calorie Row 10 Burpee Box Overs (24/20) 2-3 Rope Climbs 20 Slam Balls (30/20) 20 Meter Planche Walk (1/2 and back on Turf) 200 Meter Run (out back door to stop sign) ***Rest until team completes Relay, then go reverse order****Read More
A. 6:00 EMOM – Clean & Jerk B. Immediately into: 8:00 AMRAP 5 Pull-up 10 Push Up 20 Unbroken DU C. Immediately into: 6:00 EMOM – Clean & Jerk * score average of A&C, AMRAPRead More
HAPPY 4th of JULY!!! “WHITE” Five rounds for Time: 15′ Rope climb, 3 ascents 10 Toes to bar 21 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead Run 400 meters U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ashley White, 24, of Alliance, OH, assigned to the 230th Brigade Support Battalion, 30th Heavy Brigade Combat Team, North Carolina National...Read More
A. “Air Force” – For time – 18:00 CAP 20 Thruster (95/65) 20 SDLHP 20 Push Press 20 OHS 20 Front Squat *at start and EMOM = 4 Burpees B. 5 Rounds NFT – 30 Crunches & 20 SupermanRead More
A. Legless Rope Climb Skills 4 if you have them, Rope Pull-up practice if not B. 4 Rounds for Max Reps 1:00 Slam Ball (30/20) 1:00 Double Unders 1:00 Ring Dips 1:00 REST C. NFT – 4x25M Planche Crawls, rest between setsRead More